NWPC Facebook Events Listing, Google Calendar

Photo credit to Pinball Photographer Alyson Rae, @verse.visuals on IG

Certain public events have limited space and are only advertised directly to the pinball community via Facebook or our email list… follow us to get invitations to these special events!

Ongoing Public Events

Free Play Open House (Twice monthly, every 1st Saturday noon-4pm & 3rd Tuesday Wednesday 5pm-9pm)
Free public access for non-members; Come check out our community and play some free pinball!
Staff are on hand to talk pinball, answer questions about the Collective, and walk you through the process of joining the Collective, should you choose to join as a member.

Tech Tuesday (Twice monthly, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6pm-9pm)
Curious about how pinball machines work? Want to learn to fix them? Care to share your knowledge with others? This is for you!
Tech Tuesday is an informal get-together for techs, members, guests and visitors to collaborate on game maintenance and upkeep.

Special Public Events

Repair Parties (Every few months, especially leading up to the Northwest Pinball & Arcade Show. keep an eye on this page or our social media)
We bring in an expert tech, invite the community to bring in their games for repair, and get to work!
Watch or help on one of our machines, or haul your own to the Sanctuary for hands-on assistance.

Events in Development

Homebrew Pinball Forum
Learn how to build your own pinball machine

Social Tournaments
We’re working on implementing Wedgehead’s “Howdy Pardner” format as a friendly, low-pressure, social way to play pinball with other fans.
We need volunteers to coordinate the series and run specific events. If you’re interested, please use the Contact Us form.

Flipper Skills Classes & Rules Clinics
An expert shares knowledge about general flipper skills (control, catches, passes, etc.), and how to apply them to a chosen game. Usually includes demos, an overview of the game’s ruleset, some Q&A, and individual coaching.
We’re looking for a series-coordinator and volunteers to present about their favorite games. If you’re interested, please use the Contact Us form.